But why "we calculate"? Sandra could be calculating Earth's date (20 years after 2120, so the date is 2140) and the "days since Earth orbit" is another number entirely. "We calculate it is twenty years since we lost contact with you." This may be counting from Breakaway (1999, so the date is 2019), or after Journey to Where (set around 2001/2002, although no specific date is given, so the current date is 2021/2022).

Unfortunately it may be travelling too fast for the Alphans to catch it in 25 years time. The slingshot here may involve Terra Alpha, other planets in the solar system, Terra Nova's sun or nearby stars. Hence the Cassini probe flew first to Venus, then again past Earth, to accelerate it to reach Saturn. These trajectories are used to accelerate space probes, using the gravity of a planet.
#Best moonbase alpha songs license#
The license to use Gray's music is separate from Carlton's license to Space 1999, and the difficulties in negotiating the separate music license gave rise to the two versions. There are two versions: one version has no music (on the TF1 disc), the other has Barry Gray's closing theme and incidental tracks (on the A&E bonus disc). However, in 2002 it was released to DVD in France. The original licensing deal from Carlton did not allow it to be shown in public - or private - again. Notes įilmed 29th August 1999, this 7 minute short film was shown at the Space: 1999 Breakaway Convention in Los Angeles on September 13th, 1999. The set was built from replica Year 1 panels and an original Command Centre desk. The signal we see in the final shot is the Meta signal. Sandra signs off, her voice heavy with emotion: "Remember us."

Computer will encode Sandra's message using a device designed by Maya, to enable it to navigate time and space to reach Earth. A slingshot effect may return the Moon to the planet in 25 years. It has been decided to abandon Alpha for the planet. They are in range of a habitable planet, named Terra Alpha, for 6 days, insufficient for a thorough survey. The Moonbase life support systems are slowly failing. "This is Moonbase Alpha with our last transmission to the people of Earth." It is 20 years since they lost contact with Earth. A picture emerges from static: it is Sandra Benes, speaking to camera.